Sitecore SXA — How to override the Search Controller to fix the Cache-Control header

Mark Gibbons
2 min readSep 21, 2020


This article explains how to swap out the built-in SXA SearchController which handles the API for the Search Results component. I needed to do this as the response headers for this was resulting cache-control: no-cache instead of cache-control: no-store as I need the latter to prevent caching by CDN’s such as Azure Front Door.

Response showing cache-control: no-store

The following is for SXA in Sitecore 9. Caching for this particular case is now configurable in Sitecore 10 (there is a new cachingHeaders configuration), but this might be a useful technique if you need to replace built-in Sitecore controllers.

Set up the cache attribute

Create a new class:

public class CacheWebApiAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext filterContext)
filterContext.Response.Headers.CacheControl = new CacheControlHeaderValue
NoStore = true

Create the Controller override:

public class XASearchOverrideController : Sitecore.XA.Feature.Search.Controllers.SearchController
public ResultSet GetResultsOverride([ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(QueryModelBinder))] QueryModel model)
return base.GetResults(model);

public FacetSet GetFacetsOverride([ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(FacetsModelBinder))] FacetsModel model)
return base.GetFacets(model);

public SuggestionsSet GetSuggestionsOverride([ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(QueryModelBinder))] QueryModel model)
return base.GetSuggestions(model);

Remove the old one from DI and add our new one

You need a IServicesConfigurator to remove the default:

public void Configure(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
serviceCollection.Remove(serviceCollection.Single(x => x.ServiceType == typeof(Sitecore.XA.Feature.Search.Controllers.SearchController)));

Register the route handler

public class RegisterRoutes
public void Process(PipelineArgs args)
foreach (string virtualdir in ServiceLocator.ServiceProvider.GetService<ISiteInfoResolver>()
.Sites.Select<SiteInfo, string>((Func<SiteInfo, string>)(s => s.VirtualFolder.Trim('/'))).Distinct<string>())
string sitepath = virtualdir.Length > 0 ? virtualdir + "/" : virtualdir;
//RouteTable.Routes.MapHttpRoute(sitepath + "sxa", sitepath + "sxa/{controller}/{action}").RouteHandler = new SessionHttpControllerRouteHandler();
name: sitepath + "sxaresults",
routeTemplate: sitepath + "sxa/search/results",
defaults: new { controller = "XASearchOverride", action = "GetResultsOverride" }
).RouteHandler = new SessionHttpControllerRouteHandler();
name: sitepath + "sxafacets",
routeTemplate: sitepath + "sxa/search/facets",
defaults: new { controller = "XASearchOverride", action = "GetFacetsOverride" }
).RouteHandler = new SessionHttpControllerRouteHandler();
name: sitepath + "sxasuggestions",
routeTemplate: sitepath + "sxa/search/suggestions",
defaults: new { controller = "XASearchOverride", action = "GetSuggestionsOverride" }
).RouteHandler = new SessionHttpControllerRouteHandler();

Patch out the built-in route handler and patch ours in:

<processor patch:instead="processor[@type='Sitecore.XA.Feature.Search.Pipelines.Initialize.InitializeRouting, Sitecore.XA.Feature.Search']"
type="My.Pipelines.RegisterRoutes, ALS.Feature.XaComponents" />

That’s all — it is fairly involved but at least it is possible.



Mark Gibbons
Mark Gibbons

Written by Mark Gibbons

Technical Architect @ Aceik | Sitecore Technology MVP 2020 - 2024 with a love for all things #Sitecore / Twitter

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