EXM report confusion — message statistics not showing on the “Sent email campaigns” report
I have just used up a few hours of my life on this and want to document it to save others the trouble.
If you’re looking at your EXM “Sent email campaigns” report and wondering why there are no statistics, then it may be because they are not “Regular” email campaigns and might be “Automated” or “Scheduled”.
In that screenshot we can see
- Drafts
- In progress
- Automated
- Scheduled
- Sent email campaigns
These are all essentially identical in functionality — they are just filters by message status.
How the statistics actually are retrieved is simply a SQL query to the EXM.Master table. You can view the queries if you enable EXM.Debug and change the log4net appender level to DEBUG. They will then be logged as follows:
SELECT COUNT(MessageID) FROM Campaigns WHERE ManagerRootID=’34cb7641–4e89–42c8-a899–437ebcc167fc’ AND Status IN (@includeStatus0)